Search Dashboard
Get key search metrics and visualize performance over time to measure the impact of search and discovery on your business
Visualize detailed conversion funnel
Deep dive into segment wise analysis for search queries
Compare historical trends for more accurate predictive insights
Top and Trending Queries
Get detailed reports on your search performance & drive business results
Learn about the top searches and latest trends with Top-Searched queries reports
Identify popular products for each query and track trends
Popular Products
Get insights into trending, popular and fast-moving products and highlight these in your shopper’s journey
Be on top of what's selling on your website. Deep dive into how shoppers are interacting with your products
Get a detailed analysis of all search queries used to discover each product selling on your store
Zero Result Searches
Capture missed opportunities for your business and reduce impact of null searches
Strategy & Campaign Performance
Measure, and analyze the campaign’s strategy and make data-driven decisions to optimize the sales funnel
Measure success of your campaigns and strategies
Get comprehensive reports of your A/B Test experiments