Table of contents
- Definition
- Behavior
- Pros and Cons
- Configurations
- Data actions
- Things To Know for Infinite scroll
- UseCases
- FAQs
In e-commerce, pagination refers to the process of dividing search results or product listings into multiple pages, which allows users to navigate through the pages of products. It is used to split large sets of products into smaller, more manageable chunks, which can improve the performance of the website and also user experience.
There are several different types of pagination that can be used in e-commerce, including:
Fixed Pagination: This type of pagination is the most common and allows users to navigate through the pages of products by clicking on page numbers or by clicking on the next and previous buttons. The page numbers and buttons are usually displayed at the bottom of the search results or product listings.
Infinite Scroll: This type of pagination loads the next set of products automatically as the user scrolls to the bottom of the page, eliminating the need for the user to click on next or page numbers. This type of pagination can be helpful for users that want to quickly browse through a large number of products without having to manually click through pages, but it could also lead to lower engagement and higher bounce rates if not implemented well.
Click & Scroll: This type is similar to the infinite scroll pagination, but it includes a “load more” button, so users can load the next set of products at their own discretion. This can be beneficial for users that may want to control the amount of information they see at once and also, it can be helpful for the website to limit the amount of data loaded at once to improve the performance.
It’s important to note that the pagination should be consistent, clear, and easy to understand in order to improve the user experience. Also the right pagination method depends on the specific needs of the website and its target audience.
This feature will helps the users to navigate the products for any search/browse request. In many applications the UI for these sorted results are displayed to the user in “pages” containing a fixed number of matching results, and users don’t typically look at results past the first few pages worth of results.
Pagination helps to control the number of products displayed on the page and the type of pagination (infinite scroll, click to scroll, or fixed pagination) to display.
Pros and Cons
The choice of pagination method depends on the specific needs of the website and its target audience. However, here are the advantages and disadvantages of different pagination methods.
Fixed Pagination
- Simple and easy to use
- Allows users to easily navigate through the pages of products
- Provides a clear indication of the current page and total number of pages
- Allows users to go directly to a specific page
- Users have to manually click through the pages, which can be time-consuming for large product sets
- May not be suitable for websites with a large number of products
- Can cause a high bounce rate if users have to navigate too many pages to find what they’re looking for
Infinite Scroll Pagination
- Allows users to quickly browse through a large number of products without having to manually click through pages
- Can improve the user experience by reducing the number of clicks needed to view all products
- Can be useful for websites with a large number of products
- May not be suitable for users with slow internet connections
- Some users may find it difficult to track their position within the product set, may lead to lower engagement and higher bounce rate if not implemented well
- May be difficult for users to find a specific product
Click & Scroll pagination
- Allows users to control the amount of information they see at once
- Can be helpful for the website to limit the amount of data loaded at once to improve the performance
- Can be useful for websites with a large number of products
- Users have to manually click through pages
- May not be suitable for users with slow internet connections
- May be difficult for users to find a specific product
You can configure the pagination feature by updating the required configs under the “pagination” config object. The following are the various options available under the “pagination” config object:
pagination: {
// the below pagination configurations goes here
“Enabled” is a flag or switch that allows developers to turn on or off a specific feature in an e-commerce website. In this case, the pagination feature will be active and the preferred pagination type will be displayed on the website when the “enabled” flag is turned ON. And, the pagination feature will be disabled when the “enabled” flag is turned OFF.
Default Value
enabled: true
- true - selected pagination will be displayed on the website
- false - the pagination feature will be disabled
There are 3 types of pagination that can be used:
Fixed pagination : In this type of pagination, a set of numbered pages are provided at the bottom of the page, allowing the user to navigate to specific pages. This method is best for desktop devices as it allows for easy navigation through a large number of products. Pass type: “FIXED_PAGINATION”
to use this type of pagination. See example here
Infinite Scrolling: In this type of pagination, new items are automatically loaded as the user scrolls to the bottom of the page, allowing the user to seamlessly scroll through all the products. This method is best for mobile devices as it allows for a continuous browsing experience. Pass type: “INFINITE_SCROLL”
to use this type of pagination. See example here
CLick and scroll: In this type of pagination, a “Load More” button is provided at the bottom of the page, which when clicked, loads additional products. This method is easy to implement and can be used for both desktop and mobile devices. Pass type: “CLICK_N_SCROLL”
to use this type of pagination. See example here
Default Value
The choice of pagination method depends on the specific needs of the website and its target audience. A fixed pagination with next and previous buttons and numbers is a suitable option for most e-commerce websites. Infinite scroll pagination can work well for mobile devices and for websites with a large number of products and a high volume of traffic. A click and scroll with load more button can be a good option for websites that want to limit the amount of data loaded at once. It’s also important to keep the user experience in mind, as pagination should be intuitive and easy to use for the user.
Element in which to render the pagination component.
“el” in pagination is an HTML element that is designated to display pagination component. This allows developers to control the placement of the pagination on the webpage and to ensure that they are displayed in a prominent and visible location. The “el” can be set by providing the id or class of the element in the code.
Default Value
el: null
There are several HTML selectors that can be used to locate the banner element in an e-commerce page. For ex: getElementById, getElementsByClassName, getElementsByTagName, querySelector, querySelectorAll, getElementsByName, etc.
Customize the look and feel of the pagination by returning your custom HTML string from this function. This function gets 1 parameter: an object that has the pagination information.
This function receives two params:
- the list of banners to be displayedpagination
- the banner configurations
Expected return value: a string of HTML that will be used to render the banners on the webpage
Default Value
template: function (paginationData, pagination) {
if(!paginationData) {
return ``;
const {
} = paginationData;
const {
} = pagination;
const {
} = this.testIds;
if(numberOfProducts <= productsLn) {
return ``;
let nextBtn = `<button class="UNX-next-btn UNX-page-next ${pageClass}" data-page-action="next">></button>`;
let prevBtn = `<button class="UNX-prev-btn UNX-page-prev ${pageClass}" data-page-action="prev"><</button>`;
let pageNumbers = ``;
let pages = noOfPages < pageLimit ? noOfPages:pageLimit;
let startPoint=1;
let r = Math.ceil(pageLimit/2);
let point = currentPage - r ;
if(point > 0 ) {
startPoint = point;
pages = currentPage+r;
const ls = currentPage+r;
if(ls >= noOfPages){
const diff = ls-noOfPages;
startPoint = startPoint-diff;
if(startPoint<=0) {
startPoint = 1
pages = noOfPages;
for(let i=startPoint;i<=pages;i++) {
const tId = `${UNX_pageNumber}${i}`
const pageClassSelected = (i === currentPage) ?selectedPageClass :'';
pageNumbers += `<button data-test-id="${tId}" data-page-action="paginate" data-page-no="${(i-1)*rows}" class="UNX-page-button ${pageClass} ${pageClassSelected}">${i}</button>`
if(!isNext) {
nextBtn = `<button disabled class="UNX-next-btn UNX-page-next">></button>`;
if(!isPrev) {
prevBtn = `<button disabled class="UNX-prev-btn UNX-page-prev"><</button>`;
return [`<div class="UNX-pagination-block">`,
`<div class="UNX-page-no-block">${pageNumbers}</div>`,
Note: For the preloader and postloader , position needs to be made absolute , z-index to be -1 . Height of these will be set using what you provide in heightDiffToTriggerNextPage.
For additional information on custom scenarios, please refer to the use cases section located below.
CSS class name for the pagination component.
Default Value
pageClass: "UNX-page-items"
Any valid class name can passed here.
CSS class name for selected page item.
Default Value
selectedPageClass: "UNX-selected-page-item"
Any valid class name can passed here.
is a callback function that is triggered when the user makes changes to the pagination of a webpage.
This function receives below params:
: number of productsstart
- the starting index of products, a numberproductsLn
- number of productsrows
- the current page size, a numbernoOfPages
- total number of pagescurrentPage
- current page numberisNext
- does next page exist, a booleanisPrev
- does previous page exist, a boolean
Default Value
onPaginate: function(numberOfProducts, start, productsLn, rows, noOfPages, currentPage, isNext, isPrev) {
// custom code here
It is typically used to notify the developer that the pagination has been updated and to take appropriate action, such as updating the displayed data or making an API call to retrieve new data for the current page.
is a parameter that is used when the type
. It specifies the number of pages that are to be shown upfront.
Default Value
pageLimit: 6
Any positive integer can be passed here.
An infinite scroll trigger element, or infiniteScrollTriggerEl
, is an HTML element that is used to detect when a user has reached the boundary of a page when using infinite scrolling. This allows for a seamless browsing experience where new content is loaded automatically as the user scrolls, rather than requiring them to manually navigate to a new page. The type
must be set to INFINITE_SCROLL
for the trigger to work.
Default Value
infiniteScrollTriggerEl: window
Any valid HTML selector can be used to select the trigger
is a parameter that is used when the type is set to INFINITE_SCROLL. It specifies the distance from the bottom of the page (measured in pixels) that needs to be reached before the next page of content is loaded.
For example, if heightDiffToTriggerNextPage
is set to 100, this means that when the user scrolls to within 100 pixels of the bottom of the page, the next page of content will be loaded. This parameter allows for control over when the next page is loaded and can be adjusted depending on the desired user experience and the amount of content that is being loaded. In case of infinite scroll pagination, two elements with classnames pre-loader
and post-loader
are added before and after products container, whose height is set to heightDiffToTriggerNextPage
in pixels.
Please make sure the CSS for .UNX-pre-loader and .UNX-post-loader is containing position:absolute, width:100% and z-index: -1, to ensure these components are hidden.
- Setting the
number to very high (>300 or >400) would trigger the next/previous page APIs more often than required and would lead to crashing the application. Any value set more than 1000 will get capped at 1000.
Default Value
heightDiffToTriggerNextPage: 100
Any positive integer can be passed to heightDiffToTriggerNextPage
Action on which pagination should trigger: “click” or “change”.
Default Value
action: 'click'
: Click refers to a user interaction where a user clicks on a specific button or interface element to initiate a pagination.Change
: Change refers to a pagination operation that is initiated when a specific variable or data element is changed
“tagName” refers to the name of an HTML tag used to wrap or structure the content (pagination) on a webpage.
Default Value
tagName: 'div'
Any valid html tag such as div, span, p, h1, h2, etc in which you like the banner code to be wrapped in.
“htmlAttributes” refers to a set of key-value pairs that provide additional information or properties for an HTML element. By default it contains classes for the wrapper. You can add more classes or any valid attributes.
Default Value
htmlAttributes: { class:"UNX-banner-block" }
Any valid html attribute can be passed as key : value
pairs inside an object.
Data actions
Actions below are needed to be set as data-page-action
- This action is needed on the button on click of which it triggers an api call for previous
- This action is needed on the button on click of which it triggers an api call for next page.firstPage
- This action is needed on the button on click of which it triggers an api call for the very first page.lastPage
- This action is needed on the button on click of which it triggers an api call for the last page.paginate
- This action is needed on page number buttons.(In case of fixed pagination)
Things To Know for Infinite scroll
- Setting the heightDiffToTriggerNextPage number to very high (>300 or >400) would trigger the next/previous page APIs more often than required and would lead to crashing the application. Any value set more than 1000 will get capped at 1000.
- Please make sure the CSS for .UNX-pre-loader and .UNX-post-loader is containing position:absolute, width:100% and z-index: -1, to ensure these components are hidden.The parent container of .UNX-pre-loader and .UNX-post-loader should have
. - The height css for the postloader and preloader should not be modified . Instead pass it in
- Parent of pre-loader and post-loader needs to be top to bottom aligned.
- The height and width attributes should be specified for every product image. If these attributes are not set, it can cause content reflow issues. When the image hasn’t loaded yet and the height is not defined, the content may not be positioned correctly, making the post-loader visible and resulting in multiple API calls being triggered simultaneously.
Note: If the above mentioned points are not followed it can lead to multiple or no api calls.
Usecase 1: Fixed Pagination
pagination : {
el: document.getElementById("clickScrollContainer"),
template:function (paginationData, pagination) {
if(!paginationData) {
return ``;
const {
} = paginationData;
const {
} = pagination;
const {
} = this.testIds;
if(numberOfProducts <= productsLn) {
return ``;
let nextBtn = `<button class="UNX-next-btn UNX-page-next ${pageClass}" data-page-action="next">></button>`;
let prevBtn = `<button class="UNX-prev-btn UNX-page-prev ${pageClass}" data-page-action="prev"><</button>`;
let pageNumbers = ``;
let pages = noOfPages < pageLimit ? noOfPages:pageLimit;
let startPoint=1;
let r = Math.ceil(pageLimit/2);
let point = currentPage - r ;
if(point > 0 ) {
startPoint = point;
pages = currentPage+r;
const ls = currentPage+r;
if(ls >= noOfPages){
const diff = ls-noOfPages;
startPoint = startPoint-diff;
if(startPoint<=0) {
startPoint = 1
pages = noOfPages;
for(let i=startPoint;i<=pages;i++) {
const tId = `${UNX_pageNumber}${i}`
const pageClassSelected = (i === currentPage) ?selectedPageClass :'';
pageNumbers += `<button data-test-id="${tId}" data-page-action="paginate" data-page-no="${(i-1)*rows}" class="UNX-page-button ${pageClass} ${pageClassSelected}">${i}</button>`
if(!isNext) {
nextBtn = `<button disabled class="UNX-next-btn UNX-page-next">></button>`;
if(!isPrev) {
prevBtn = `<button disabled class="UNX-prev-btn UNX-page-prev"><</button>`;
return [`<div class="UNX-pagination-block">`,
`<div class="UNX-page-no-block">${pageNumbers}</div>`,
Usecase 2: Click and Scroll
pagination: {
el: document.getElementById("clickScrollContainer"),
template:function(pageData, pagination) {
const {
} = pagination;
return `<div class="UNX-click-scroll"><button data-test-id="${this.testIds.UNX_loadMore}" class="UNX-click-n-scroll ${pageClass}">Load More</button></div>`
Usecase 3: Infinite Scroll
pagination: {
infiniteScrollTriggerEl: window,
heightDiffToTriggerNextPage: 100,
Usecase 4: Fixed Pagination with first and last page buttons
pagination: {
el: document.getElementById("clickScrollContainer"),
template: function (paginationData, pagination) {
if(!paginationData) {
return ``;
const {
} = paginationData || {};
const {
} = pagination || {};
const {
UNX_pageNumber = ""
} = this.testIds;
if(numberOfProducts <= productsLn) {
return ``;
let nextBtn = `<button class="UNX-next-btn UNX-page-next ${pageClass}" data-page-no="${(currentPage)*rows}" data-page-action="next">></button>`;
let prevBtn = `<button class="UNX-prev-btn UNX-page-prev ${pageClass}" data-page-no="${(currentPage-2)*rows}" data-page-action="prev"><</button>`;
let firstPageBtn = `<button class="UNX-prev-btn UNX-page-next ${pageClass}" data-page-action="firstPage"><<</button>`;
let lastPageBtn = `<button class="UNX-prev-btn UNX-page-prev ${pageClass}" data-page-action="lastPage">>></button>`;
let pageNumbers = ``;
let pages = noOfPages < pageLimit ? noOfPages:pageLimit;
let startPoint=1;
let r = Math.ceil(pageLimit/2);
let point = currentPage - r ;
if(point > 0 ) {
startPoint = point;
pages = currentPage+r;
const ls = currentPage+r;
if(ls >= noOfPages){
const diff = ls-noOfPages;
startPoint = startPoint-diff;
if(startPoint<=0) {
startPoint = 1
pages = noOfPages;
for(let i=startPoint;i<=pages;i++) {
const tId = `${UNX_pageNumber}${i}`
const pageClassSelected = (i === currentPage) ?selectedPageClass :'';
pageNumbers += `<button data-test-id="${tId}" data-page-action="paginate" data-page-no="${(i-1)*rows}" class="UNX-page-button ${pageClass} ${pageClassSelected}">${i}</button>`
if(!isNext) {
nextBtn = `<button disabled class="UNX-next-btn UNX-page-next">></button>`;
if(!isPrev) {
prevBtn = `<button disabled class="UNX-prev-btn UNX-page-prev"><</button>`;
return [`<div class="UNX-pagination-block">`,
`<div class="UNX-page-no-block">${pageNumbers}</div>`,
- What is list view and grid view in product listing page?
- What is the best pagination method for my website?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of Fixed Pagination
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of Infinite Scroll Pagination
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of Click & Scroll pagination (with load more button) 6.Can I customize the appearance of the pagination controls?