Getting Started
Table of contents
- Prerequisite
- Integration Instructions
- Sample configuration with the unbxd demo sitekey feed
- Understanding The Page
- FAQs
Please complete the self serve FTU flow along with the dimensions mapping for fields like title, imageUrl, price, and categoryPath. More information can be found here
Note: The config attributes mentioned below are from the sample apparel feed downloaded via the csv upload flow. These will change as per the site being used.
Integration Instructions
Customize the search config used for invoking the sdk, to see the data related to your sitekey.
- Change siteKey and apiKey
siteKey: "<<site key>>",
apiKey: "<<api key>>"
- Provide attributesMap inside products object. This mapping is as per the demo site , this must change according to the site being used
attributesMap: {
"unxTitle": "title",
"unxImageUrl": "imageURL",
"unxPrice": "price",
- Provide product attributes inside products object to be returned from the search api. If this is not provided, all fields related to the product will be returned, which in turn makes the api unnecessarily bulky. These fields are as per the demo site , this must change according to the site being used
productAttributes: [
Add the correct query selectors based on your website, in the config.
Configure the correct category path for the UnbxdAnalyticsConf window object for category page click or category page load, and the page_type as well
/** todo: modify apparel feed in phoenix and check for cateogory api, once feed upload api is fixed from backend **/
if (location.pathname === "/<<categoryPage1>>") {
window.UnbxdAnalyticsConf = {
page: "categoryPath:categoryPath1",
page_type: 'BOOLEAN'
productType = "CATEGORY";
} else if (location.pathname === "/<<categoryPage2>>") {
window.UnbxdAnalyticsConf = {
page: "categoryPath:categoryPath2",
page_type: 'BOOLEAN'
productType = "CATEGORY";
} else {
window.UnbxdAnalyticsConf = {};
productType = "SEARCH";
Configure the correct category id and page_type for the UnbxdAnalyticsConf window object for category page click or category page load. Also set browseQueryParam in the config accordingly.
if (location.pathname === "/<<categoryPage1>>") {
window.UnbxdAnalyticsConf = {
page: "categoryPathId:categoryId1",
page_type: 'BOOLEAN'
productType = "CATEGORY";
} else if (location.pathname === "/<<categoryPage2>>") {
window.UnbxdAnalyticsConf = {
page: "categoryPathId:categoryId2",
page_type: 'BOOLEAN'
productType = "CATEGORY";
} else {
window.UnbxdAnalyticsConf = {};
productType = "SEARCH";
browseQueryParam: "p-id"
For further help with category pages configuration, please contact the feed support team.
- Set the correct productType in the products config, i.e. “SEARCH” for search results page, or “CATEGORY” for category pages.
products: {
productType: "<<SEARCH/CATEGORY>>"
- If it is a staging sitekey, set the correct search end point. For eg :
searchEndPoint: ""
Sample configuration with the unbxd demo sitekey feed
Note: All Element selectors must change as per your website. All attributes must change as per the sample feed data. Please refer the config from the getConfig function here and make the necessary changes
window.unbxdSearch = new UnbxdSearch({
siteKey: "demo-unbxd700181503576558",
apiKey: "fb853e3332f2645fac9d71dc63e09ec1",
searchBoxEl: document.getElementById("unbxdInput"),
searchTrigger: "click",
searchButtonEl: document.getElementById("searchBtn"),
unbxdAnalytics: true,
setCategoryId: function (param, self) {
const {
} = param;
let page = ``;
let pathArr = [];
const l = Number(level);
const breadCrumbs = self.getBreadCrumbsList("categoryPath");
breadCrumbs.forEach((element, i) => {
const {
} = element;
if (l > Number(level) || Number(level) === 1) {
if (action !== "clearCategoryFilter") {
page = pathArr.join(">");
if (window.UnbxdAnalyticsConf) { = "categoryPath:\"" + page + "\"";
products: {
el: document.getElementById("searchResultsWrapper"),
productType: productType,
onProductClick: function (product, e) {
localStorage.setItem('unx_product_clicked', product.uniqueId);
window.location.href = '';
spellCheck: {
enabled: true,
el: document.getElementById("didYouMeanWrapper")
noResults: {
el: document.getElementById("noResultWrapper")
selectedFacets: {
el: document.getElementById("selectedFacetWrapper")
facet: {
isCollapsible: true,
defaultOpen: "NONE",
viewMoreLimit: 2,
enableViewMore: true,
facetsEl: document.getElementById("facetsWrapper"),
selectedFacetsEl: document.getElementById("selectedFacetWrapper"),
selectedFacetClass: "UNX-selected-facet-btn",
facetTemplate: function (facetInfo, facets, isExpanded, facetSearchTxt, facet) {
const urlSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(;
const params = Object.fromEntries(urlSearchParams.entries());
var name = facetInfo.displayName;
var filterField = facetInfo.filterField;
// var isSelected = (facetInfo.isSelected) ? 'is-expanded' : '';
var searchStr = || '';
var isSelected = searchStr.includes(facetInfo.facetName) ? 'is-expanded' : '';
return [ `<div id="${facetInfo.facetName}" class="facets__filters facets__filters--size js-filter-expand UNX_facet_open ${isSelected}">
<span aria-label="Filter: ${filterField}" role="text" class="facets__filters-label">${name}</span>
<ul data-search-facet-container="" class="facets__filters-values facets__filters-values--size list-reset js-filter-values UNX_facet_open ${isSelected}">
facetItemTemplate: function (facet, value, facetSearchTxt) {
const {
} = facet;
const {
} = value;
let {
} = this.options.facet;
const {
} = this.testIds;
let action = "changeFacet";
let selectedFacet = 'disable';
let liCss = '';
let hightlighted = '';
if (isSelected) {
selectedFacet = 'checked';
hightlighted = 'highlight';
facetClass += ` ${selectedFacetClass} `
action = "deleteFacetValue";
liCss = (isSelected) ? 'selected' : '';
return [ `<li class="facets__item facets__item--comfort level js-filter-item js-filter-item-${displayName} count-${count} ${liCss} ${facetName}" data-search-facet-value="${dataId}">
<label data-search-facet-label="${name}" data-id="${dataId}" class="facet-checkbox facet-checkbox-${displayName} UNX-change-facet ${facetClass} " data-facet-action="${action}" data-test-id="${UNX_uFilter}" data-facet-name="${facetName}" data-handler-init="true">
<input data-search-facet-input="" ${selectedFacet} class="js-filter-checkbox" type="checkbox" value="${name}">
<span class="${hightlighted}">${name} (${count})</span>
selectedFacetTemplate: function (selections, facet, selectedFacetsConfig) {
const {
} = facet;
const selectedFClass = (this.selectedFacetClass) ? this.selectedFacetClass : selectedFacetsConfig.selectedFacetClass;
if (selections.length > 0) {
return [ `<div class="collection__active-filters UNX-facets-selections">`,
`</div>` ].join('');
} else {
return ``;
selectedFacetItemTemplate: function (selectedFacet, selectedFacetItem, facetConfig, selectedFacetsConfig) {
const {
} = selectedFacet;
const {
} = selectedFacetItem;
const {
} = this.options.facet;
const {
} = this.testIds;
let action = "deleteSelectedFacetValue";
const css = ` ${facetClass} ${selectedFacetClass} `;
return [ `<a data-test-id="${UNX_uFilter}" class="collection__active-filters-btn btn btn--tertiary search-facet-display-name search-facet-remove-only ${css}" data-facet-name-value="metaf_${facetName}" data-facet-action="${action}"
data-facet-name="${facetName}" data-facet-value="${facetName}" data-id="${dataId}" data-handler-init="true">${name}
<i class="collection__active-filters-icon icon icon--close-blue"
data-facet-action="${action}" data-facet-name="${facetName}" data-facet-value="${facetName}" data-id="${dataId}" >
</i> </a>`].join('');
pagination: {
el: document.querySelector('.unxPagination'),
virtualization: false,
bufferPages: 1,
heightDiffToTriggerNextPage: 100,
infiniteScrollTriggerEl: document.getElementById('searchResultsWrapper'),
onPaginate: function (data) { console.log(data, "data") }
url: {
hashMode: false,
allowExternalUrlParams: false,
seoFriendlyUrl: true,
orderOfQueryParams: ["QUERY", "FILTERS", "PAGE_NUMBER" ,"PAGE_SIZE","SORT","VIEW_TYPE"], //defaults.
queryParamSeparator: "&",
searchQueryParam: {
addToUrl: true,
keyReplacer: "query"
browseQueryParam: {
addToUrl: true,
algo: "DEFAULT",
keyReplacer: "pppp"
pageViewParam: {
addToUrl: true,
keyReplacer: "view",
valuesReplacer: {
"LIST": "LI@ST(list)"
sortParam: {
addToUrl: true,
algo: "DEFAULT",
keyReplacer: "sortBy",
valueReplacer: {
"price desc": "p&d",
"price asc": "p-a"
pageNoParam: {
addToUrl: true,
algo: "DEFAULT",
keyReplacer: 'p',
usePageNo: true // uses page no. when turned on.else , index
pageSizeParam: {
addToUrl: true,
algo: "DEFAULT",
keyReplacer: "count"
facetsParam: {
addToUrl: true,
multiValueSeparator: ",",
keyReplacer: {
"color_uFilter": "color",
"size_uFilter": "size",
"gender_uFilter": "gender",
"occasion_uFilter": "occasion",
"fit_uFilter": "fit",
valueReplacer: {
"color_uFilter": {
"Multi": "multi",
"White": "whitee"
"occasion_uFilter": {
"Wear to Work": "Wear-to-work"
facetsOrderInUrl: ["gender_uFilter","color_uFilter","price","category-filter"],
rangeFacets: ["price"],
rangeSeparator: "-"
breadcrumb: {
el: document.getElementById("breadcrumpContainer")
pagesize: {
enabled: true,
el: document.getElementById("changeNoOfProducts"),
pageSize: 10,
options: [10, 20, 30, 40]
sort: {
enabled: true,
el: document.getElementById("sortWrapper"),
options: [ {
value: "price desc",
text: "Price High to Low"
value: "price asc",
text: " Price Low to High"
loader: {
el: document.getElementById("loaderEl")
productView: {
el: document.getElementById("productViewTypeContainer"),
defaultViewType: "GRID"
banner: {
el: document.getElementById("bannerContainer"),
count: 1
swatches: {
enabled: true,
attributesMap: {
swatchList: "color",
swatchImgs: "unbxd_color_mapping",
swatchColors: "color"
onAction: function (e, ctx) { },
onEvent: unbxdCallbackEcma,
debugMode: true,
browseQueryParam: 'p-id'
Understanding The Page
Before we delve into the next set of configs, let’s first understand the most common sections present in a search results page or category landing page.
Here is a graphical representation of the various sections on a search results page:
- What types of search queries can the Unbxd SDK handle?
- How does the SDK handle product discovery?
- Can the SDK be integrated with other e-commerce platforms?
- How is the search index maintained and updated?
- Does the SDK provide analytics and reporting?
- How to determine the version of the Unbxd JS SDK used in an e-commerce site?
- How do I configure the SDK on my website?
- How can I test the SDK before deploying to production?